Thursday, March 10, 2011

Vegetables: Eat them before they Eat you

As you may know I help co –host a monthly “Creature Feature” style double feature at our local indie-theater called the “Drunken Zombie Deadly Double Feature”. We don’t actually make much money from it, but it’s fun and it gives me the chance to put my editing/motion graphics skills to work.  One of the other things it gives me the chance to do is design posters, up until recently I kept them fairly generic, but for the last one I was in a rush and did an homage to the Grindhouse movie poster (which itself was an homage to a double-bill poster for “Dragstrip girl” and “Rock all night”. This was the first time I used stills from the movies in the poster and I really liked the aesthetic that it created, so I may experiment more with them in the future.

Drunken Zombie Deadly Double Feature-February 2011

On February 26th 2011 the Drunken Zombie Deadly Double feature spotlit two "tentacle terrors", movies that involved tentacles, screening "Outpost Doom" and "The Giant Leeches"
Oddly enough this poster was infinitely more popular than the ones I had made previously even though it was completely derivative of something else.  So for the next double feature (coming up on  March 19) I put together something very similar, but at the same time different from the previous poster.

Feb poster element

I didn't want the poster to be exactly like the grindhouse poster so I added this "sexy lady" element to the poster, hopefully it doesn't look too hentai.
Bonus points to any one who knows why I used that particular color scheme for the tentacles "
One thing I had hoped to do in the “tentacle terror” poster  was to have extra tentacles curling around the posters, but I ran out of time; fortunately I was able to do that this time adding vines curling around the poster. 

Drunken Zombie Deadly Double Feature-March 2011

on March 19th the Drunken Zombie Deadly Double feature will Screen the original "Little Shop of Horrors" and Attack of the Vegan Zombies"

This month we were featuring a lineup that I have been chomping at the bit to screen since the whole thing started, Plants that Kill. I am a fan of both the original Little shop and the contemporary musical. The original fascinates me due to its legacy as a movie that only took two days to shoot because that’s all the time Roger Corman had before the set (which was built for another movie entirely) was torn down. With this in mind, it’s a fantastic movie. The script is original and has tons of humor in it

March poster-element

I chose to use the look of "Audry II" from the musical rather then from the original due to it's iconic and recognizable look. I'm just waiting for the Scifi channel to do a remake replacing her with a pitcher plant

for some masochistic reason the director of "Attack of the Vegan Zombies" will be flying in for the screening, even after we explained the “participatory” nature of our screenings. Unfortunately I will be in Chicago during the screening so I won’t be able to enjoy the spectacle.

March poster-element

I added these roses to the encroching vines as a nod to the plant in the original and in the stage musical upon which the faces of the victims would bloom

For next month’s poster I am going to try something a bit different, still very “grind house”-esque, but going in a slightly different direction.