Oone of my new years resolution is to up the amount of art I produce. if my livejournal track record is any indicator, I haven't been doing as well as I could. so in that spirit I submitted a piece to the Challengers Assembled art blog, run by the folks over at Challengers Comics and Conversation (the finest comic shop in the world).
the theme for the inaugural week was legion of Super heroes, and I would be lying if I were to claim i was much of a fan. surprising because it focuses on a team of adventurers int he future surrounded by all sorts of Sci-fi goodness; and I will go so far as to say I was a fan of the animated series. the most I know of them are the handful appearances by the legion of substitute heroes, a group of LOSH rejects who at best awkward powers, beyond that my knowledge is pretty limited. the two members I would think of off the top of my head was Matter-Eater-Lad (a name that is very on the nose) and shrinking violet.
I went a bit "sassy pin-up girl" for shrinking violet. I chose to use her modern costume, while I prefer the cartoon costume I am confused by the fact that violet is in her name and yet she wears primarily green, well other then her jumpsuit from the 90s, but it;s had to do sassy with a jumpsuit, that's why you don't see to many burlesque performers utilizing the Star Trek TNG uniform in their performances.
this week the these is Captain America, which is honestly a bit daunting as the co-owner of Challangers and organizer of the art blog, Patrick, is one of the nations foremost authorities on Cap, but we shall see what I come up with.
In other news we are bringing back the Drunken Zombie Deadly double features, so with luck I will be posting the poster for February 4th's screening of Plan 9 from outer space and attack of the moon zombies, or more details look for it on Facebook.
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